Mobile RAN

Telecom Disruption in Optical and RAN Showing Growing Importance

Internet Services and Satellite Services will clash with Telecom Services in the coming years, causing changes to equipment demand. Hyperscalers and Satellite services companies are more vertically integrated (they make more of their own equipment) and, in the future, will deliver more services that compete with Telecom services. Our forecasts,… Read More »Telecom Disruption in Optical and RAN Showing Growing Importance

DPU Opportunity IncreaseS with New Market Opportunities in RAN, Security, and Enterprise WORKLOADs

For many, the DPU is associated with the Smart NIC and the boundary between computing and networking.  Therefore it has a finite market size tied to the number of servers and appliances in the market.  DPU history focused on offloading the processor with storage, basic security, and virtualization allowed the… Read More »DPU Opportunity IncreaseS with New Market Opportunities in RAN, Security, and Enterprise WORKLOADs