
Rakuten Acquires Altiostar; And Announces European Customer, 1&1

​Today, Rakuten announced that has acquired the rest of Open RAN startup, Altiostar.  It already owned 67% of the pioneering vendor, and paid another $370 million to acquire the rest, at a valuation just over $1 billion.  The company is adding Altiostar to its Rakuten Communications Platform (RCP) capabilities now known… Read More »Rakuten Acquires Altiostar; And Announces European Customer, 1&1

Rakuten Acquires Altiostar; and Announces European Customer, 1&1

​Today, Rakuten announced that has acquired the rest of Open RAN startup, Altiostar.  It already owned 67% of the pioneering vendor, and paid another $370 million to acquire the rest, at a valuation just over $1 billion.  The company is adding Altiostar to its Rakuten Communications Platform (RCP) capabilities now… Read More »Rakuten Acquires Altiostar; and Announces European Customer, 1&1

Higher Speeds In Ethernet Changing The Top-of-rack To Server Topologies

Migrating Features to Active Cables to Support Performance and Reliability Traditional enterprise data centers have an Achilles heel – the single TOR per rack architecture.  If that TOR fails, it takes the entire rack offline, and as Microsft recently published, this happens at least 2% of the time in the first… Read More »Higher Speeds In Ethernet Changing The Top-of-rack To Server Topologies

Higher Speeds in Ethernet Changing the Top-of-Rack to Server Topologies

Migrating Features to Active Cables to Support Performance and Reliability Traditional enterprise data centers have an Achilles heel – the single TOR per rack architecture.  If that TOR fails, it takes the entire rack offline, and as Microsft recently published, this happens at least 2% of the time in the… Read More »Higher Speeds in Ethernet Changing the Top-of-Rack to Server Topologies

NaaS: Can someone else run the enterprise network?

We have published our first story at Forbes Business Council. Read it here A preview of the concepts: Today, mobile networks and enterprises networks use wholly different network technology and operate using different business models. There’s a push by the same companies that make enterprise networking gear to change their… Read More »NaaS: Can someone else run the enterprise network?

The Party-Crashers of MWC21

This week’s MWC Barcelona 2021 had several themes; the most important was that several outsiders to the telecom industry were ever-present.  The new entrants – the party-crashers – included Starlink, Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services, Google Compute, and NVidia.  These new players are forcing change either through economics, new technology,… Read More »The Party-Crashers of MWC21

New Network And Security Player On The Scene: Witesand

Witesand just came out of stealth today, and made a video presentation based primarily at the Computer History Museum in Silicon Valley.  Praveen Jain, a co-founder of Witesand and various other networking companies, was the main presenter and conducted various interviews with interested third parties.  The company’s cloud services asset discovery, NAC,… Read More »New Network And Security Player On The Scene: Witesand

Multi-source Solutions Strategy to Address Semiconductor Shortage Situation

650 Group offers thoughts on the state of the global semiconductor industry.   Semiconductor shortages continue to make headlines impacting almost every industry from automotive, healthcare, consumer, and into all aspects of the data center. Semiconductor shortages have their roots in 2020, with COVID-19 causing a lack of investment in new… Read More »Multi-source Solutions Strategy to Address Semiconductor Shortage Situation

TIP OpenWiFi:  Will Open Source Wi-Fi Upset the Enterprise Wi-Fi industry?

The Telecom Infra Project (TIP) announced the launch of OpenWiFi Release 1.0, which is a community-developed project that encompasses Access Point hardware, an open-source AP operating system, and an SDK to build cloud-native Wi-Fi Controller software for Service Providers (SPs) and Enterprises.  TIP is also starting lab and field trials. … Read More »TIP OpenWiFi:  Will Open Source Wi-Fi Upset the Enterprise Wi-Fi industry?